The Tefillin Project
The real official sport of the IKC
The funding for the IKC’s Tefillin Project comes from our member's donations and from the absolutely ridiculous prices of our special IKC regalia and the outrageous biennial membership fees we charge. We're honest about this; we don't require anyone to pay, but those who can do so are appreciated for their generosity.We use these funds to make the tefillin donations to the Women of the Wall and to the orphans at Neve Hannah, both in Israel, as well as in the past to the Abayudaya in Uganda, various people in Argentina and Latin America as well as supplying mezuzot to every Jewish family in Cuba. In 2022, working with the FJMC to give 10 pairs of tefillin to JTS for student use.We have also sponsored various events for the FJMC over the years, providing “unconventional” projects the funding that they needed.The shirts and the Football Pool are only a small part of our fund raising, we prefer to call activities like this our “fun raising” but the intent is to keep in touch with those who have joined us in the past.Everyone is welcome, and we hope you will understand and maybe even join us. There is always room for more folks to have a little fun and help a good cause.

Tefillin for Neve Hanna
The IKC has supported Neve Hanna with several donations of Tefillin over the years. Our friends, and IKC members, Janet and Irwin Tobin, encouraged our participation in Neve Hanna and 5 of 5ths, Allan Gottesman, is member of their board. When Allan first suggested that we become involved and make donations, we accepted the challenge.
With your continued participation in the IKC, we hope to continue this worthwhile endeavour well into the future.
About Neve Hanna
Since 1974, Neve Hanna Children’s Home in Kiryat Gat, Israel, has provided a loving home for children from distressed and dysfunctional family circumstances. They are the children of Russian, Ethiopian, Middle Eastern immigrants and native-born Israelis. Sadly, these children have been scarred by poverty, abuse, parental neglect and mental illness and drug or alcohol addiction in the home. These at-risk youth come to Neve Hanna where their physical, emotional and educational needs are addressed. Neve Hanna is affiliated with the Masorti Movement as a Kehillah, the only one of its kind in Israel. The children’s home provides individual therapy, remedial instruction and extensive enrichment leisure time programs to the children. Neve Hanna offers these at-risk youth the chance to grow beyond the circumstances from which they emerged. This loving, nurturing and therapeutic environment gives the children the opportunity to heal, thrive and become responsible contributing adults of society. Many go on to build successful careers and raise healthy families. Neve Hanna aims to instill in its children, a sense of self-worth and an attachment to Jewish Tradition and values.
With your help, American Friends of Neve Hanna can continue to provide our children with all these programs and extracurricular activities. Your support helps Neve Hanna strive to meet all the physical, emotional, mental and educational needs of its children.
Donate today to ensure that we continue to grow in 2024 and the years that follow.
If you prefer sending a check, mail it to: American Friends of Neve Hanna at PO Box 640685, Oakland Gardens, NY 11364-0685.
Questions: Contact us at 347-836-8118 or
Remember to put Neve Hanna on your itinerary the next time you visit Israel!
From our family to yours, we hope you're having a pleasant summer and look forward to sharing more good news!
AFNH is a 501C tax exempt organization.
Donations of all sizes are welcome with gratitude and are tax deductible.
YOU can make a difference in the lives of our children!
Tefillin for Women of the Wall

The IKC and the FJMC have supported Women of the Wall through donations, visits and publicity.
Women of the Wall is dedicated to egalitarion prayer at the Kotel in Jerusalem and meets each Rosh Chodesh for Shacarit services.
FJMC Past International Presidents Allan Kahan and Stan Greenspan have attended the events. In 2023, we were joined by Rabbi Jacob Blumenthal (USCJ), Rabbi Steve Wernick (Beth Tzedec, Toronto), Rabbi Jay Kornsgold (Presidnet, Rabbinic Assembly) and Jacobo Rojtman (Masorti Mexico). Please watch the video to see the "fun" we had.
Women of the Wall participate each year in the FJMC's World Wide Wrap, and Stan Greenspan joined them for their 2024 Wrap on Rosh Chodesh Adar, Friday morning, February 9th, 2024.
The booth on Jaffa Street
Tefillin for the students at JTS
As part of the 125th Anniversary Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland, a Masorti Movement weekend was held in Zurich where the Chancellor of JTS, Dr Shully Schwartz-Rubin participated in a Kiddush Club inspired Oneg Shabbat. During the evening we spoke about the FJMC and IKC and our Tefillin Project.
Dr Shully Schwartz-Rubin made a request for a number of pairs of tefillin for student use at JTS, since many of the incoming class were not in possession of their own personal sets.
In conjunction with the FJMC, we were able to donate 10 pairs of tefillin with specially embroidered bags for the students use.