IKC Kabbalat Shabbat, 2021 series
During the recent COVID-19 epidemic, the International Kiddush Club hosted a series of Kabbalat Shabbat services with our friends from the Cantors Assembly, along with our partners, MERCAZ-Canada, MERCAZ-USA, FJMC & WLCJ.
These are the videos from our 2021 series
The very first International Kiddush Club Shabbat video from July, 2011!
Our first video, from the 2011 IKC Convention in Costa Mesa, CA.
Shabbas is Near, about the IKC's anthem!
The niggun, “Shabbas is Near” was written by the very talented Hazzan Randy Newman in 2011 for the International Kiddush Club at the FJMC International Convention in Costa Mesa, CA. Randy was “commissioned” by Hazzan Alberto Mizrahi to create the words and music.
Our sponsors: Bob & Bonnie Braitman, Steve (Z-L) & Chellie Davidoff, David & Judy Goldis, Allan & Caren Gottesman, Stan & Vanessa Greenspan, Rob and Carolyn Kantor, Steve (Z-L) & Donna Krodman, Ed & Debbie Margolis, Mike & Shirley Mills, Alex & Linda Romano, Myles & Gale Simpson, Ernie Smolen (Z-L), Tom & Michelle Sudow, Joe & Debbie Swerdlow, Irwin & Janet Tobin
For the week of December 24, 2021
This week we were joined by Hazzan Naomi Weiss, live from Chicago, her first performance as a member of the Cantors Assembly, for the International Kiddush Club's Quarantine Friday series on December 24, 2021.
We thank our Sponsor!
Barry Barnes from Thornhill, ON.
For the week of November 26, 2021
This week we were joined by Hazzan Beny Maissner, live from Toronto, Canada, for the International Kiddush Club's Quarantine Friday series on November 26, 2021.
For the week of November 5, 2021
This week we were joined by Hazzan Jeff Weber of Congregation Ahavath Sholom in Fort Worth, Texas, for the International Kiddush Club's Quarantine Friday series on November 5, 2021.
For the week of October 29, 2021
This week we were joined by Hazzan Matt Axelrod, of Congregation Beth Israel in Scotch Plains, NJ, for the International Kiddush Club's Quarantine Friday series on October 29, 2021.
For the week of October 22, 2021
This week we were joined by Cantors Jackie Mendelson and Fredda Mendelson, live from New York, for the International Kiddush Club's Quarantine Friday series on October 22, 2021.
We thank our sponsors!
Margie Miller, in celebration of her birthday! HB2U HB2U HBDM HB2U!
Bruce Tomar, in celebration of Marcia Tomar’s birthday! HB2U HB2U HBDM HB2U!
Marsha and Chuck Bernstein in memory of Marsha's grandmother, Chana Yehudat bat Yitzhak, 50th yahrzeit.
די נשמה זול האבען אן עלייה - May the Neshama have an aliyah, good memories and long life
For the week of October 8, 2021
This week we were joined by Hazzan Benjamin Matis from Agudath Achim Congregation in Altoona, PA. for the International Kiddush Club's Quarantine Friday series on October 8, 2021.
We thank our sponsors!
Chuck and Marsha Bernstein of Marietta, GA, "in memory of my mother's 35th yahrzeit, Esther bat Avram v Malke."
Barry Barnes of Thornhill, ON, "On the occasion of my Mother's 11th Yahrtzeit this 4th Cheshvan, Shashana bat Mordechai vSophia
Ronald Meyers, on the fourth Yahrzeit of his wife Rina, "in memory of my beloved wife Rina who gave me and her family unstintingly in our three score years in this life together."
די נשמה זול האבען אן עלייה - May the Neshama have an aliyah, good memories and long life
For the week of October 1, 2021
This week we were joined by Hazzan Naomi Weiss from downtown Wrigleyville, where everyone in Chicago wants to live, for the International Kiddush Club's Quarantine Friday series on October 1, 2021.<br>
We thank our sponsors!
Tom Sudow, is sponsoring in honour of his mother’s 58th yartziet,Tovah bat mordechi v Temmi,
Jerry Agrest, is also sponsoring, "remembering my Father, Ruben Agrest." Yahrzet is on 26 Trishrei, October 2.
די נשמה זול האבען אן עלייה - May the Neshama have an aliyah, good memories and long life
For the week of August 27, 2021
This week we were joined by Hazzan Henrique Ozur Bass, Live from Congregation Har Shalom in Potomac, MD, for the International Kiddush Club's Quarantine Friday series on August 27, 2021.
We thank our sponsors!
Our first three sponsors this week are Bob & Laurie Sunshine of Potomac, MD,
Bernie and Fran Lubran, also from Potomac, MD, and the Men’s Club of Congregation Har Shalom, all sponsoring in honour of their Hazzan, Henrique Ozur Bass.<br>and
Our fourth sponsor is Rob Blitzer, who says he's making a "$62 donation in honour of my 62nd birthday"
Happy Birthday, Rob!
For the week of August 20, 2021
This week we were joined by Hazzan Alberto Mizrahi Live from Wrigleyville, a part of Chicago, IL for the International Kiddush Club's Quarantine Friday series on August 20, 2021.
We thank our sponsor!
The first sponsors are Marcia and Elliot Feldman who "happily sponsor in honor of the marriage of our son Joshua to his new wife Caroline August 15! Lots of Nachas!
The second sponsors are the Greenspan Family of Toronto and Tel Aviv, with a whole bunch of reasons to celebrate, because it's Birthday Week! First was Vanessa's on August 17th, then Nikki's on August 20th and then Stan's on 13 Elul.
Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!
For the week of August 13, 2021
This week we were joined by Hazzan Faith Steinsnyder, LIVE FROM MILWAUKEE, WI, for the International Kiddush Club's Quarantine Friday series on August 13, 2021.
We thank our sponsors!
Marilyn and Sandy Victor, sponsoring in honour of Sandy’s birthday!
For the week of August 6, 2021
This week we were joined by Hazzan Steven Stoehr, LIVE FROM Northbrook, IL, for the International Kiddush Club's Quarantine Friday series on August 6, 2021.
We thank our TWELVE sponsors!
- Stan Greenspan, honouring our friends Steve and Susan Stoehr
- Gary and Lynne Katz in honor of Hazzan Stoehr, his Pittsburgh roots, and his Temple Etz Chaim sister-in-law, Karen Garelik.
- Tom Sudow, For Steve’ s incredible friendship to the FJMC and his sense of humor
- Bob Braitman, who says "Some of my most spiritual moments at FJMC conventions were davening with Steve."
- Bruce Tomar, making a donation to the IKC in honor of his 68th birthday, HB2U! HB2U! HBDB, HB2U!
- Allan Kahan, looking forward to starting Shabbat with Cantor Stoehr.
- Benny Sommerfeld, wishing everyone a wonderful sommer's weekend.
- Karl Rubin, thank you to Cantor Stoehr.
- Jerry and Estelle Agrest, in honor of my friend and most favorite Cantor, Steve.
- Mike Mills, thanking everyone for being here with us
- Norm Kurtz "I know I'm a bit late, but please add me as a sponsor for this week's Kabbalat Shabbat. I am thrilled that Hazzan Stoehr will be joining us."
- Alex Kiderman, Thanks, Hazzan Stoehr
For the week of July 30, 2021
This week we were joined by Hazzan Naomi Weiss, Live from Chicago, IL, for the International Kiddush Club's Quarantine Friday series on July 30, 2021.
We thank our sponsor!
Dr Dale Levy, is sponsoring this week, "In memory of my mother's yahrzeit I'd like to sponsor this Friday's IKC. Her name is Sandra Levy."
Yasher Koach, Dale, and only good memories.
For the week of July 23, 2021
This week we were joined by Hazzan Arianne Brown, live from Adas Israel Congregation in Washington, DC for the International Kiddush Club's Quarantine Friday series on July 23, 2021.
For the week of July 16, 2021
This week we were joined by Hazzan Richard Nadel, live from the H.L. Miller Cantorial School of the Jewish Theological Seminary in NY, NY, for the International Kiddush Club's Quarantine Friday series on July 16, 2021.
We thank our sponsors!
Elliot Feldman is sponsoring in memory of his mother, we wish you only good memories!
The “Friends of Allan Kahan” are sponsoring in honour of Allan’s birthday on July 16th! Happy birthday, Allan, and many, many more!
For the week of July 9, 2021
This week we were joined by Hazzan Raphael Frieder, live from the H.L. Miller Cantorial School of the Jewish Theological Seminary in NY, NY, for the International Kiddush Club's Quarantine Friday series on July 9, 2021.
We thank our sponsors!
Charles Richards of Charleston, SC is celebrating his 72nd birthday on July 9th! Happy birthday, Charles, and we have to ask, will Jacoby be with you on Friday to help you celebrate?
For the week of July 2, 2021
This week we were joined by Hazzan Jonathan Schultz, live from Congregation B'nai Israel in St Petersburg, FL, for the International Kiddush Club's Quarantine Friday series on July 2, 2021.
For the week of June 25, 2021
This week we were joined by Hazzan Asa Fradkin, live from Beth El of Montgomery County in Bethesda, MD, for the International Kiddush Club's Quarantine Friday series on June 25, 2021.
For the week of June 18, 2021
This week we were joined by Hazzan Ralph Goren, live from Beth El Synagogue in suburban Atlantic City, NJ, for the International Kiddush Club's Quarantine Friday series on June 18, 2021.
For the week of June 11, 2021
This week we were joined by Hazzan Zach Mondrow, almost live from Detroit, for the International Kiddush Club's Quarantine Friday series on June 11, 2021.
We thank our sponsors!
Our first sponsors this week are Debbie and Joey Swerdlow, in honour of Joey's 65th birthday on Sunday.
(Joey and Debbie are among the nicest people you will ever meet and we all love them)
Our second group of sponsors this week will include Allan Gottesman, Stan Greenspan, Zach Mondrow, Joe Swerdlow, David Kravitz, Creighton Kohn, Danny Mandeau, Rick Wronzberg, Naomi Weiss, Pipik and more, all of whom have their reasons for doing this which will be apparent at about 9:15 pm on Sunday night, June 13.
For the week of June 4, 2021
This week we were joined by Hazzan Jack Chomsky, almost live from Tel Aviv, for the International Kiddush Club's Quarantine Friday series on June 4, 2021.
Our sponsors this week are our regular attendees and our friends, Sandy & Marilyn Victor who are celebrating their 45th anniversary.
MAZAL TOV Sandy & Marilyn Victor!!
We wish you many, many, many more years of joy and happiness!!
For the week of May 28, 2021
This week we were joined by Hazzan Matt Austerklein in Akron, OH, for the International Kiddush Club's Quarantine Friday series on May 28, 2021.
We thank our sponsors!
Our first sponsor this week is one of our regular attendees and our friend, Steven Pilchik. Steve says "Thank you to IKC and all those involved in coordinating, organizing and participating every week. Looking forward to the end of the week and IKC's Kabbalat Shabbat has made the rest of the week more appreciated. I am happy
to support IKC and FJMC this Kabbalat Shabbat - my birthday.
I am also about to conclude my three-year tenure as Club President of Beth Sholom Men's Club in Elkins Park, PA.
Steve also wishes to honour the birthday of Art Lashin and David Sternberg. Both are regulars to IKC Kabbalat Shabbat and are also from Beth Sholom
Thank you, Steve!!
Our second sponsor is Allan Gottesman, who is amazed that he and Caren are going to be celebrating their 45th wedding anniversary on Monday.
MAZAL TOV to the Gottesmans and many, many, many more years of
joy and happiness!
For the week of May 21, 2021
This week we were joined by Hazzan Howard Glantz in Elkins Park, PA, for the International Kiddush Club's Quarantine Friday series on May 21, 2021.
For the week of May 14, 2021
This week we were joined by Hazzan Pamela Schiffer in Detroit, MI, for the International Kiddush Club's Quarantine Friday series on May 14, 2021.
We thank our sponsor!
Happy birthday to our good friend, Steve Dix in Marietta GA, who is celebrating a special and biblical birthday on Friday. Thank you to Steve and Bonnie (who is decades younger, many many decades younger than Steve!)
For the week of May 7, 2021
This week we were joined by Hazzan Ben Rosner of Mosaic Law Congregation in Sacremento, CA, for the International Kiddush Club's Quarantine Friday series on May 7, 2021.
We thank our sponsor!
Charles Wrock, President of Canadian Foundation for Masorti Judaism sponsored this week, marking the Yartzheit of his father, Manny Wrock. The neshama should have an aliyah and we wish Charles only good memories!
Thank you Charles!
For the week of April 30, 2021
This week we were joined by Hazzan Dan Gross of Adat Shalom, Farmington Hills, Michigan, for the International Kiddush Club's Quarantine Friday series on April 30, 2021.
We thank our sponsor!
Teri Fields, one of our regular members is sponsoring in honour of her friend Margie Miller, who turned her on to our Friday events.
We appreciate all of you being with us each Friday, and it's great when you bring your friends along!
Thank you Teri!
For the week of April 23, 2021
This week we were joined by Hazzanim Henry Rosenblum and Susan Ticker of Forest Hills Jewish Center in Queens, NY, for the International Kiddush Club's Quarantine Friday series on April 23, 2021.
We thank our sponsors!
Mazal Tov to our first sponsors this week, Rhonda and Charles Richards of Charleston, SC, on their upcoming 47th wedding anniversary, Tuesday April 27th. The entire Richards clan have been longtime attendees at our Friday events and Charles is also the outgoing regional president for the FJMC's Anshe Darom. Much nachas on the anniversary and looking forward to celebrating many more with the Richards!
Our second sponsor is Allan Gottesman's 3rd kidney, marking 2 years since it left Phoenix, AZ and moved to sunny Florida. Allan is extremely grateful to all of the people who made this happen for him, the doctors, nurses, Lori & Caren. May they all continue to lead healthy lives until at least a hundrt un swansec!
For the week of April 16, 2021
This week we were joined by Hazzan Jeremy Burko of Beth Radom in Toronto for the International Kiddush Club's Quarantine Friday series on April 16, 2021.
We thank our sponsors!
Marsha and Chuck Bernstein are sponsoring this week in memory of Marsha's mother's (Blume bat Abram) 5th yahrzeit.
May the neshama have an aliyah and only good memories to all who knew her.
Nola Lazar is sponsoring "in memory of my father Cecil Shnier Tzuzia ben Moshe v Sarah"
May the neshama have an aliyah and only good memories to all who knew him.
For the week of April 9, 2021
This week we were joined by Hazzan Jason Green of Kehillat Beth Israel in the capital city of Canada, Ottawa, for the International Kiddush Club's Quarantine Friday series on April 9, 2021.
We thank our sponsor!
Irwin Harris and family is sponsoring in honour of the 5th yartzheit of his mother, Shirley Harris Lang. May the Neshama have an aliyah, and good memories to the Harris family.
For the week of April 2, 2021
This week our class with Rabbi Sean Gorman and abbreviated Kabbalat Shabbat with Hazzan Zach Mondrow, for the International Kiddush Club's Quarantine Friday series on April 2 2021.
We thank our sponsors!
Steve Baturin, "for the joy of Pesach and Shabbat. Dayenu." Chag Sameach-wishing you a joyous Pesach.
Chuck and Marsha Bernstein "We want to sponsor this week in honor of our 45th wedding anniversary on Sunday, April 4."
David and Marnie Kaplan, “Alex, I'll take 68 for Why That Number? The answer is, "What wandering Jew turns 68 on Friday?"
And I'll take 2 for the same topic, Why That Number? The answer is, "Who is getting his 2nd vaccine on his 68th birthday?"
For the week of March 26, 2021
This week with the dynamic duo of Hazzan Ben Matis and Hazzan Zach Mondrow, for the International Kiddush Club's Quarantine Friday series on March 26, 2021.
We thank our sponsors!
Sponsored by Fern and Eric Weis and family, honouring the "memory of Fern's mom, of
blessed memory, Eudice Levine Gersten (aka Yospeh Perel bat Chayim v’ Michlah). Mom died last year on Sunday April 7, equivalent to 13 Nisan 5780 – just the day before Pesah 5780. Friday, March 26, 2021, was the first yahrzeit of her death (13 Nisan 5781) Eudice was a blessing to our family. May her memory be a blessing to all of my friends, and may her neshama have an Aliyah Gadolah.
For the week of March 26, 2021
This week with Hazzan Jesse Holzer of Jacksonville, FL
We thank our sponsors!
Sponsored by Stan, Vanessa, Nikki & Jessie Greenspan, honouring the 9th yartzhiet on 8 Nisan of Stan's mother, Ruth Greenspan. Known to one and all as "Boba" she enjoyed the 2 IKC/FJMC conventions she attended and all the friends she made.
She always spoke very highly of FJMC members and would invite many to Shabbat dinner while she was in Florida for the winter.
May her neshama have an aliyah, and good memories to all who knew Boba!
For the week of March 12, 2021
This week with Hazzan Sarah Levine of Nashville, TN
We thank our sponsors!
David Weil of Anshe Emet in Chicago is sponsoring on his mother, Marlene Weil's first yahrzeit on March 12.
Thank you to David and his lovely wife Cantor Naomi Weiss, may the neshama have an aliyah, and good memories to all who knew Marlene!
For the week of March 5, 2021
This week with the one, the only, Hazzan Randy Herman!
We thank our sponsors!
This is a first, Peter Gotlieb is sponsoring for hugs! (Pete, any time you want, let me know, I’m sure that there are dozens who would give you a hug, I’ll be right at the front of the line)
"Looking forward to celebrating my birthday this weekend and sending in another IKC sponsorship donation in honor of the occasion (which, now that I'm vaccinated, will hopefully include some grandson hugs for the first time in over a year if their parents allow)."
And the second, our “birthday boy" from last week, and his lovely wife Estelle, are sponsoring in honour of the Bar Mitzvah on Shabbat of their GREAT-grandson, Ryan Serota which will take place in Denver. Jerry tells us this is his second GREAT-Grandson’s Bar Mitzvah, MAZAL TOV!
For the week of February 26, 2021
This week with Hazzan Paula Pepperstone of Wichita KA
Our Sponsors this week
The friends of Jerry Agrest on his 23 1/4 birthday!
For the week of February 19, 2021
For the week of February 19, we asked Hazzan Jonathan Kohan, Head of the Cantorial School at the Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano / Marshall T. Meyer Latin American Rabbinical Seminary in Buenos Aires and cantor at Asociación Israelita de Beneficencia - Kehilá Rosario, Argentina
Sponsors this week
The friends of Jonathan Waxman, wishing him a speedy recovery from his recent surgery!
Barnet Coltman, of Etz Chaim Marietta Ga Mens Club on the 10th anniversary of his daughter's Yahrzeit, Eve Lorrie Greenstein - Chava bas Elke on Monday Feb 22. May the neshama have an aliyah.
For the week of February 12, 2021
For the week of February 12, we asked Hazzan David Propis of Congregation Shaarey Zedek, in Bloomfield Hills, MI.
Sponsors this week:
Sarrae Crane & Rabbi Jonathan Waxman on their 15th wedding anniversary. MAZAL TOV!
The second is our friend Mike Greenberg who says “in honor of my 70th Birthday (yes, I was born the same day as honest Abe Lincoln!) and the two year anniversary of my book publication- "Tables Turned on Them-Jews Guarding Nazi POWs Held in the United States." <br>MAZAL TOV Mike, on both significant events!
For the week of February 5, 2021
For the week of February 5, 2021 , we asked Cantor Penny Myers, from Buffalo, NY. Penny shares a podcast with fellow Cantor Matt Axelrod, Two Cantors Walk Into a Bar
Sponsors this week:
Barbara & Michael Freilich on the yartzheit of Michael’s mother, Tirtzah Bat Natan v Golda, on Feb 2 & 3, Barbara’s grandmother, Sara bat Sara on Friday night,
Vanessa & Stan Greenspan on the yartzheit of Stan’s bubbie, Fraidle bat r’ Shrug Fival, on Tuesday of next week, 27 Shvat
Marsha & Charles Bernstein, for Chuck's father's 25th yahrzeit, Chaim Ze'ev ben Kalman.
May all the neshamot have aliyot!
For the week of January 29, 2021
For the week of January 29, 2021, we asked Cantor Ariel Foigel Of Circulo Israelita de Santiago, Chile.
For the week of January 22, 2021
For the week of January 22, 2021, we asked Cantor Neil Schwartz and his son Adam from Dothan, AL
The sponsor was Jeff Wainberg from Toronto, who is sponsoring in "honour of my wife, Sheila on her upcoming birthday. All the best, and many more happy years together!"
For the week of January 15, 2021
For the week of January 15, 2021, we asked Cantors Gabriel and Oscar Fleischer of Buenos Aires, Argentina with Ma’ariv by Cantor Mondrow to lead us. Enjoy!
This week’s sponsors are Chuck Bernstein, Bob Braitman, Alan Budman, Creighton Cohn, Steve Dix, Elliot Feldman, Allan Gottesman, Stan Greenspan, Allan Kahan, David Kravitz, Donna Krodman, Norm Kurtz, Alan Lightstone, Zach Mondrow, Meir Niad, Charles Richards, Barry Riesenberg, Jeff Schulman, Benny Sommerfeld, Tom Sudow, Joey Swerdlow, Bob Watts, Eric Weis & Rick Wronzberg
For the week of January 8, 2021
For the week of January 8, 2021, we asked Cantor Marcia Lane of Sons of Israel in Nyack, NY to lead us. Enjoy!
This week’s sponsors are Debbie and Rick Wronzberg and family, who are sponsoring this week's Kabbalat Shabbat, "marking the 10th yartzheit of our daughter Alexis on the evening of January 5th (22nd Tevet) [Alexis Shoshana Wronzberg; Chaia Alexandra Shoshana Leah bat Yerachmeal v’ Devorah Hanna.]”
Thank you to the Wronzberg family and only good memories.
For the week of January 1, 2021
For the week of January 1, 2021, we asked Cantor Russell Jayne of Beth Tzedec in Calgary, AB to lead us.